Our good friends, Pema and Tsamcho and Tsamcho's sister Pema came for dinner a few nights ago. Usually we have Indian food but we made homemade pizza instead. Tsamcho brought these delightful Tibetan delicacys she made from hand and her husband Pema steamed them up in a really great steamer. They are dumplings made with wheat flour and these were stuffed with ground beef, spinach and some onion. Tina ate a full plate of them before touching her pizza. I am not sure if I could recreate them with rice flour or not but I might try. I am hoping to get Tsamsho and Pema to teach me how to make them and see what I can do.
Did you try these with rice flour? I was hoping to make a gluten free version of these for the upcoming tibetan new year (the 14th this month, on Valentines day!)
I spent a lot of time in Dharamashala and Lhasa... and was just craving Momos, some monks I used to tutor made them for me at least once a week but I was wondering if anyone had made them gluten free (my g/f is celiac). I found this hoping to find someone who'd done it before, but I'll probably give it a shot anyway, if I do they show up on her food blog at http://foodpractice.com
I made gluten free momos last night. I substituted the wheat flour with 4 parts rice flour, 1 part tapioca flour, 1 part potato flour and a half teaspoon of xantham gum. It worked pretty good. The dough has to be a little thicker to avoid falling aprt and sealing them up is a little trickier but they were fabulous none-the-less.
Just came out of the doctor's, who suggested that I might have the Celiac disease, and my first question to myself, will I ever get to eat mo:mos?
A google search led me to this page and I am delighted to know about the possibilities. Growing up in Nepal, momo has been as dearer to me than life itself.
i have made dumplings using Breads From Anna, Pizza crust, The mixes are gluten,soy,rice,nut,corn,dairy free. I steamed them for 5-7 minute, the light pan fried them. Heaven. That was one treat I had missed so much. I hope this mix could work for this dish, I migh thave to try it. looks so good.
Did you ever make them gluten-free? I am on a mission to make these delicious muthas cater to my diet!
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