In case you didn't know, the RNC has been here all week. The swarm of helicopters hovering over hour home began a week ago. I am a die heart Hillary fan and watched the DNC every evening last week. I was brought to tears several times during the week, especailly when Hillary spoke on Tuesday and then called for the acclimation of votes on Wednesday. I admire her ability to step up for her party and will aquiese to her request to vote for Obama. So, on the first day of the RNC, the day Gustov hit the Gulf coast, while the republicans were preoccupied with "getting it right this time", I attended my big American political protest. I agreed, the RNC had to call off most events for the day, after all it just would't look good, conducting business as usual if fellow American's found themselves on roof tops like they did during Katrina. As for myself, I wanted to participate in a peaceful protest. While it was peaceful for the most part, there were hundreds of self proclamed anarchists who ripped through the Capital Area and downtown St. Paul, causing all kinds of scary trouble. At one point I found myself nearly swept up in the middle of their distructive activities, and surrounded by riot police.